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  • Writer's pictureMsAlanaJ

What's in a name?

I hope you all had a wonderful time eating and being with loved ones last week. It was a week of reflection for me personally. I took time to appreciate the love I have received in my lifetime. I took time to appreciate the time I had with loved ones who are not physically with me. I took time to appreciate those who are still her in the physical sense. I also took time to be grateful for me still being alive.

So what does all that have to do with the blog title? Well, let me start by saying that people have asked why I did not come up with a more creative business name or that it seems vain.

When that happens, I usually smile. There is something to being creative but there is also something about being sentimental. I named my business AlanaJ Events because my parents always call me "Alana J." I don't know why but it is what they do and it brings

me joy to hear that come out of their mouths. They have instilled so much in me and always drove me to enjoy and live life with love, peace, and joy. Since that is what I strive to bring to my clients, it only made sense to name the business after me as an homage to my parents and the person that I am and hope to continue to be.

Aren't they just the cutest? (My dad always making a face!!)

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