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  • Writer's pictureMsAlanaJ

This Week's Inspiration

Hey loves. So last night, I attended the Black Violin concert. If you don't know them, you should check them out at or @blackviolin (IG) or @blackviolinmusic (FB).

The concert was amazing. Great music! Great energy! It was Kev Marcus' speech to the youth that spoke to me. Here's my interpretation of what he said last night. Do not always feel like you have to take the normal routes based upon what everyone thinks about you. They were constantly challenged as to why they would learn to play the violin and not play football or basketball. There are so many who think that is the way up for many African-American males. He also spoke about doing something that you are extremely passionate about, work hard at it, and someone will eventually pay you to do it. I loved what I heard him say and for me, it was confirmation of turning my love for organizing events into a business and he was correct. My degree is in pharmacy and there were people who told me I was crazy to start AlanaJ Events and I should focus on what my path could be as a pharmacist. They told me I didn't have time. They told me that I would be a dot in a sea of event planners.

I ignored every negative comment because I know how much I love to do put together events. The dream of AlanaJ Events has been in my heart and mind for 20+ years. I couldn't stop thinking about my dream. I did it for free for so many people before I even thought to make it a business and even though there are other planners out there, I am me. That, along with some tricks up my sleeve, are what make me stand out in this sea. I can tell you that Kev Marcu was right. I am proof. I write this to tell you to follow your dream. If you eat it, drink it, think about it all the time, and feel that you will not be complete unless you do it, then it is time for you to start making your dream a reality.

Just so you get a little taste of Black Violin, here is a clip of them doing some improvisation. I apologize that I only got some of the solos as I accidently deleted the others. From dreams to reality my loves...until next week...

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